
Future Plans

Proposed quarry extension – Aldwark South 


The planning application for our proposed extension at Brassington Moor Quarry into an area called Aldwark South has now been approved by Derbyshire County Council, subject to planning conditions being agreed.
There are still steps to go through before a formal planning notice is issued and we can begin work in this area:
  • A series of planning conditions will need to be agreed – these will include schemes to cover environmental monitoring and habitat management.
  • A Section 106 Agreement (a legal planning document) also needs to be formalised – this will cover areas such as transport infrastructure and environmental improvements.
Once these, and any other conditions are agreed, we will be able to start work on preparing to move our extraction operations into this area.
Obtaining permission to quarry in Aldwark South is good news for Longcliffe. It safeguards our operations and protects many jobs. This extension secures our current levels of production for the future.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at enquiries@longcliffefutureplans.co.uk